February 2024 Banten's Open Unemployment Rate Declined - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banten Province

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February 2024 Banten's Open Unemployment Rate Declined

February 2024 Banten's Open Unemployment Rate Declined

May 6, 2024 | BPS Activities

Press Release

Number: B-04/36000/HM.360/2024



BPS-Statistics Banten noted that during February 2023-February 2024 there was an absorption of 28.03 thousand workers in Banten Province. The number of unemployed people in Banten in February 2024 was 425 thousand people, or a decrease of 61 thousand people compared to February 2023.

Banten's open unemployment rate (TPT) in February 2022 was 8.53 percent, February 2023 was 7.97 percent and February 2024 was 7.02 percent, thus in February 2024 Banten's TPT decreased by 0.95 percent from the previous year. In fact, if we look at developments in the last ten years, on average in Banten there has been a decrease in the number of unemployed by around 10 thousand people every year or a reduction of 0.25 percentage points per year.

Meanwhile, most of the working population has low education (primary school or below), namely 35.83 percent. Followed by high school at 20.51 percent, and middle school at 17.11 percent. in February 2024, the population working in informal activities increased by 3.26 percent from 46.47 percent in February 2023 to 49.73 percent.

Complete information regarding the Press Release can be downloaded on the website: banten.bps.go.id

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Email: humasbpsbanten@bps.go.id

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