Release Date | : | March 1, 2018 |
File Size | : | 0.72 MB |
Entering February 2018, the prices of basic goods / services in Banten generally increased. This is evident from the rise in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) from 138.77 in January to 139.12 in February or an index change (inflation) of 0.25 percent.
Six of the seven expenditure groups experienced an increase in index, respectively: the transport, communication and financial services group which rose by 0.49 percent; finished food, beverage, cigarette and tobacco group rose by 0.33 percent; foodstuffs rose by 0.30 percent; clothing group rose by 0.25 percent; housing, water, electricity, gas and fuel groups rose by 0.11 percent and education, recreation and sports groups rose by 0.03 percent. While the expenditure group that experienced a decrease in index was the health group decreased by 0.11 percent;
Dominant commodities contributing to inflation in February are red chili, porridge, garlic, rice and gasoline.
The calendar year inflation rate was recorded at 0.46 percent, while the inflation "Year on Year" (CPI February 2018 to February 2017) was recorded at 3.23 percent
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