Invitation to the 2016 Economic Census Processing Officer Training - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banten Province

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Invitation to the 2016 Economic Census Processing Officer Training

Invitation to the 2016 Economic Census Processing Officer Training

May 31, 2016 | Other Activities

SE 2016 Candidate Processing Partners Banten Province
in place

We hereby invite the ladies and gentlemen to participate in the SE2016 processing officer training which will be held on:

     Day, date : Thursday, June 2, 2016
     Time        : 09.00-12.00 for group shift-1
                      13.00-16.00 for group shift-2
     Place       : BPS Office of Banten Province
     Clothing   : Top: shirt (not shirted), subordinate: not shirt / jeans, and shoes
     Note        : Potential partners who do not participate in the training are considered resigned.

Thank you.

Download SE2016 Processing Officer Training Invitation
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