CBR new component PMTB - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banten Province

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CBR new component PMTB

CBR new component PMTB

September 10, 2019 | BPS Activities

Serang (09/10) Opening of Regency / City Data Reconciliation in Formulation of PMTB 2019 Disaggregation according to Institutions and Business Fields of Banten Province 2019 in Swissbellin Modern Cikande

Attended by BPS Head of Banten Province Adhi Wiriana, BPS Head of Serang Regency Indra Warman, Head of Regional Balance Sheet and Statistical Analysis of BPS Banten Budi Prawoto and Head of BPS Service Balance Sub Directorate Nina Sri Sulistini.

Participants consisted of the Head of Nerwilis BPS District / City BPS (8), Nerwilis BPS District / City Staff (4), Processing Partners (4), Section Heads and Staff related to BPS Banten Province. Beginning with the reading of several verses of QS. Al Qiyamah.

BPS always releases GDP and GDP data which are calculated from 2 sides, namely production and expenditure while PMTB is one component in GDP. The contribution of PMTB in Banten Province is around 30%.

The PMTB Disaggregation Survey was carried out to find out more about the role of PMTB forming actors, both government and private. What is new in the preparation of this PMTB is the calculation of CBR (Cultivated Biological Resources) which was originally only included as an intermediate cost component now included as an output component. CBR is a biological resource that is cultivated with the aim of getting benefits from it. Institutions involved in the PMTB Survey include the government and the private sector. (YSE)
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