New Energy Population Data Collection in Elites Apartments and Housing Regions in Banten Province - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banten Province

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New Energy Population Data Collection in Elites Apartments and Housing Regions in Banten Province

New Energy Population Data Collection in Elites Apartments and Housing Regions in Banten Province

March 12, 2020 | BPS Activities

Tangerang (12/03), The growth of apartments and elite residential areas in Banten Province continues to increase, the phenomenon is quite easily seen in plain view. The concept of an independent and modern city concept is easily found in Banten Province, especially in the Greater Tangerang area (Kota Tangerang, Kota Tangerang Selatan and Kabupaten Tangerang). Inside the independent city are apartments and housing clusters classified as elite where the majority of residents are people with high mobility.

"Bank Indonesia released the commercial property supply index and the Commercial property price index in 2019, which shows an increase in the Banten region for both indexes, particularly apartments. Supply of course because of high demand. Data from the 2020 Population Census can be used by property sector entrepreneurs to determine future business steps, "said Hariyanto, Head of Production Statistics at the opening of the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) 2020 Population Census in the Apartment and Elite Housing Area of ​​Banten Province which held at Atria Hotel Gading Serpong Tangerang Regency (12/03).

The choice to live in elite apartments and housing is driven by the availability of more secure facilities and privacy. Population data collection in the region becomes a challenge in the implementation of the 2020 Population Census (SP2020) that is taking place in Indonesia.

The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) as the organizer of SP2020 considers it necessary to collaborate with apartment managers and elite residential areas to succeed the 2020 Population Census. As many as 56 representatives from elite apartments and residential areas in Banten Province attended the FGD organized by BPS Banten Province .

SPG2020 FGD Activities Apartments and Elite Housing Regions were held to increase community understanding of the importance of population data to support development planning and evaluation programs both infrastructure and Human Resources development. So that people who live in apartments and elite residential areas can actively participate in filling the population census online through or accepting census officers in the upcoming July 2020.

The SP2020 FGD also serves as a bridge between BPS and residents of apartments and elite residential areas, so information about SP2020 can be conveyed through communication lines owned by the apartment manager and the elite residential area.

On this occasion BPS also invited all participants who were present to jointly fill the Population Census online. One participant, Ms. Endang from the Metro Permata City area of ​​Tangerang, expressed her willingness to facilitate BPS when wanting to open an online census service at the manager's office at certain times. While Pak Nugroho, a participant from Summarecon Serpong, revealed, "We will invite BPS to socialize this census to RT and RW administrators in our area, in addition we will try to send messages in the form of leaflets or leaflets for SP Online filling instructions via email blasts to residents in Summarecon Serpong. ". The enthusiasm of the FGD participants is the energy for BPS Banten Province to continuously strive for the success of SP2020. #humasnews / @bps_banten
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