Declaration of SP2020, Starting in Serang District - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banten Province

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Declaration of SP2020, Starting in Serang District

Declaration of SP2020, Starting in Serang District

January 23, 2020 | BPS Activities

Serang - Thursday (1/23/2020) on a sunny morning in the district office area of ​​the District of Serang, Serang City, Banten, looks unusually busy. Several red plate cars belonging to local government officials, sub-district heads and BPS are visible here and there. Located at the indoor tennis court at the office site, at that time the Population Census Launching 2020 (SP2020) was underway. This fully supported activity by the Serang Regency Government may be recorded in the history of SP2020 as the first launch of SP2020 in Indonesia.

This moment is also very important to socialize SP2020 at the same time, because it was attended by approximately 500 invitations, consisting of the Regional Leaders Communication Forum (District Court, Police Chief, Dandim, District Attorney), Kopassus Group Representative, Deputy Chairperson of the Regional Apparatus Organization OPD), Expert Staff of the Bupati, Sub-District Heads and Village Heads of Serang Regency, as well as the Head of BPS Provisini Banten along with the ranks, and all BPS Heads of municipal districts in Banten Province.

In front of the participants, the Main Secretary of BPS, Adi Lumaksono, explained that the choice of Serang District as the first place for the SP2020 was highlighted for several reasons, including the Serang District under the leadership of the Regent and Deputy Regent. . "That does not mean that the regent asks BPS, please help reduce this number or increase it, never at all. Because we are photographing and the independence of BPS is really guarded by the ranks of the Serang Regency Government, "said Adi.

Related to the hashtag of Noting Indonesia, Adi further explained with the issuance of Law No. 39/2019 related to One Data Indonesia, then in this SP will also lead to One Population Data.

Previously, in his remarks the Regent of Serang Ratu Tatu Chasanah expressed his gratitude and very high appreciation for the choice of Serang Regency as the venue for the inaugural launch of the SP2020. "Alhamdulillah, Serang Regency was appointed as the organizer of the first SP launching in 2020 in Indonesia. Thank you for your trust in us, this is a great appreciation to us, "he said.

He further explained that the SP for Indonesian Data One was the most eagerly awaited. According to him, with the data differences that have occurred so far it is rather confusing to the ranks of the government in making programs. Because according to him also, if the data is wrong, of course the program made also becomes inaccurate and even wrong target.

"With this launching, I ask the sub-district heads in 29 sub-districts and all village heads in 326 villages to jointly support this SP, because this activity is very important that we must support. So, Pak Adi, God willing, in Serang Regency, we are ready from the district level to the village level to succeed this Indonesian Data One, because this is for our needs, "stressed Tatu further.

At the end of his remarks, the friendly and energetic Regent once again emphasized his support for the programs that would be implemented by BPS. "Don't worry, we are ready in Serang Regency," he promised. (# humasnews / Wid, Kurv)
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