Discussion of Publication of SP2020 Long Form Results - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banten Province

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Discussion of Publication of SP2020 Long Form Results

Discussion of Publication of SP2020 Long Form Results

June 21, 2023 | BPS Activities

On Wednesday, 21 June 2023 BPS Banten Province held a meeting in the context of discussing the Publication of the Long Form SP2020 Results.

This activity aims to socialize the draft publication of the results of the 2020 Advanced Population Census which will be released in mid-July 2023 and accommodate interesting issues/inputs/additional information from various parties as input for preparing the publication of the thematic population analysis to be released in September 2023.

On this occasion, speakers from Banten Province BPS, Population Coalition of Banten Province, BKKBN Banten Regional Office, and Bappeda Banten Province were presented. Participants who attended came from Banten Province Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD), representatives of academics, and Regency/Municipal BPS.

The publication of the SP2020 Long Form Results will display data related to fertility, mortality and migration in Banten Province.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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