Training in a Virtual space - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banten Province

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Training in a Virtual space

Training in a Virtual space

July 6, 2020 | BPS Activities

Large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) due to the Covid-19 pandemic are being applied in several districts in Banten province and other areas in Indonesia. The condition does not preclude the Banten Provincial Statistical Center to continue producing quality statistical data.

Survey activities are still implemented by implementing the health protocol that is the Government's recommend. In addition to field surveys, BPS also conducts surveys online through communication channels such as WhatsApp, email or by phone.

The inseparable survey, census, and data collection conducted by BPS are training. Every BPS officer is always in a comprehensive knowledge as a provision in conducting data collection activities through training activities. Before the pandemic occurred, BPS conducted training directly in the classroom. Prospective officers get the material through face-to-face with the teacher/instructor and then perform a survey simulation or commonly called Role Playing.

The current conditions are different, as Covid-19 is changing the training system in BPS online. Prospective officers and instructors meet in the virtual space through a digital application that starts to be familiar in our ears such as Zoom, Google Meet, and so on. Although it is considered less effective, but online training becomes the best alternative in the middle of pandemic. PSBB actually limits the meeting between human beings in the real world. A certain number of gatherings are prohibited, making online training a solution.

Officers training conducted online by BPS Banten Province include Training Officer survey E-Commerse 2020 on July 3, 2020. Followed by 70 candidates who will work from 1 July until 31 August 2020 in Serang District and Serang City. The training was given by Nisrina Hakim, S. ST as an instructor. Target respondents E-Commerse survey is a business/company that accepts online goods/services that will be randomly selected.

Head of the BPS Banten province Adhi Wiriana expressed his expectation "this online survey training hopefully does not reduce the essence of the material in terms of delivery and acceptance by the officers. So that the implementation of the survey in the field to obtain a picture of the business e-commerse in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic can be achieved "

Previously, on April 28-29, 2020, BPS Banten has also been conducting training in an online way, namely the Census block formation training 2020. Followed by 19 staff candidates, this training not only uses Zoom but also Google Classroom. #humasnews/@bps_banten

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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