Quarter I 2024 Banten Economy Grows 4,51 Percent (y-on-y) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banten Province

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Quarter I 2024 Banten Economy Grows 4,51 Percent (y-on-y)

Quarter I 2024 Banten Economy Grows 4,51 Percent (y-on-y)

May 6, 2024 | BPS Activities

Press Release

Number: B-03/36000/HM.360/2024



In the first quarter of 2024, Banten's economy grew 4.51 percent y-on-y (first quarter 2023–first quarter 2024). Based on the production side, the Government Administration business field experienced the highest growth, namely 20.63 percent. Meanwhile, in terms of expenditure, the Non-Profit Institution Component experienced the highest growth of 21.04 percent.

Business fields that have a large contribution to Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) include the Manufacturing Industry which grew by 5.81 percent, followed by Wholesale and Retail Trade by 3.32 percent, and Construction by 6.75 percent. The highest source of GRDP growth according to business field is the Manufacturing Industry at 1.94 percent.

Expenditure components that have a large contribution to GRDP include Household Consumption growing by 5.46 percent, followed by PMTB by 0.79 percent, and Total Net Exports by 10.54 percent. The highest source of GDP growth according to expenditure is household consumption at 2.98 percent.

Complete information regarding the Press Release can be downloaded on the website: banten.bps.go.id

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