Realizing One Indonesian Agricultural Data in the 2023 Agricultural Census - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banten Province

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Realizing One Indonesian Agricultural Data in the 2023 Agricultural Census

Realizing One Indonesian Agricultural Data in the 2023 Agricultural Census

June 1, 2023 | BPS Activities

Realizing One Indonesian Agricultural Data in the 2023 Agricultural Census

Thursday, June 1, 2023

June 1, 2023, on the first day of the 2023 Agricultural Census field data collection, this ten-year agenda is the 7th time being carried out by the government since it was first implemented in 1963. The 2023 Agricultural Census (ST2023) has 3 main objectives, namely providing structural data farms down to the smallest administrative units, provide data against which current agricultural statistics can be benchmarked and provide a sample frame for follow-up farm surveys.

BPS as the bearer of the mandate from the government in providing one of the basic statistics on the agricultural sector based on Law Number 16 of 1997 has prepared well in advance for the implementation of ST2023, including Socialization, Collaboration and Synchronization of Ministries and Institutions data. Beginning in 2021, through trial activities of questionnaires and field mechanisms, as well as carrying out dirty rehearsals and dress rehearsals in May 2022. After the 2023 field implementation, publication of the overall results of ST2023 will be disseminated in 2024. At this year's ST2023, one of the breakthroughs This is new compared to the implementation of the previous agricultural census, namely the fact that the use of technology is increasingly used to support the implementation of data collection. This is also in line with the FAO recommendation, namely the use of cost effective data collection tools and methodology through Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) and Computer Assisted Web Interviewing (CAWI) data collection modes. This mode was used for the first time during the government's implementation of the agricultural census, apart from aiming that the results obtained were of international standards, they also referred to the FAO program known as the World Program for the Census of Agriculture (WCA).

The implementation of ST2023 data collection in Banten involved 5,361 officers who were divided into three levels of assignment, namely Koseka (District Census Coordinator), Census Field Officers and Census Field Examiners (PML). These three roles will coordinate with each other in carrying out the task of enumerating all agricultural business units carried out by all families in each recorded SLS (RT/RW) based on the results of the Initial Socio-Economic Registration Data Collection (REGSOSEK) activities carried out in 2022 which are integrated (synchronized) with the number of farming families as a result of the ST2023 Statistical Working Area Update (Wilkerstat) which will also be carried out in 2022 with an average burden of 240 families for 1 census field officer. All officers who will comb door to door have gone through a selection process and have received training regarding the concepts, definitions and scope of ST2023. In addition to agricultural families that will be recorded in ST2023, agricultural company units and other agricultural business units (UPB-UTL) will also be recorded. Specifically for UPB-UTL, the number of officers involved in Banten is 46 officers who will act as enumerators and examiners.

In order to create competent officers, the Central Bureau of Statistics throughout the Province of Banten has conducted training for officers of the 2023 Agricultural Census simultaneously on 22-31 May 2023. The Head of BPS Banten Province, Ir Faizal Anwar, M.T had the opportunity to open the training process at the Regency BPS Lebak. In his direction, Mr. Faizal Anwar expressed his appreciation to every officer and reminded them to always be enthusiastic and maintain their health, especially in participating in BPS activities.

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